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Online Convert Case Tool

Do you want to change something in your text? Do you want it Title Case or Upper Case? There is no need to start over, just paste your text here and select the option you want. The ready text will appear in a second.

Master Your Text with Our Case Conversion Tool

Using our tool is quick and easy. Simply copy your text and paste it into the provided text box. Choose the case conversion option that suits your needs, click the convert button to change the text format, and then copy the newly formatted text.

In academic writing, our tool ensures consistency and professionalism in papers and reports. In business communication, it maintains a polished and professional tone in emails and documents. For content creation, it enhances readability and style in blog posts, articles, and social media updates. Try our Case Conversion Tool today and experience the ease and efficiency of perfect text formatting.

Master Your Text with Our Case Conversion Tool

Do you want to change something in your text?

Here you will find some of the most common and most used case convert tools. We have developed this online case converter tool just to make things easy for you. If you don't know exactly what you need, here is an explanation of how it works:

Uppercase: This will transform all the letters from your text into UPPERCASE. No exceptions will be made here, all of them to UPPERCASE!


Lower case: This will transform all the letters from your text into lowercase. No exceptions will be made here, all of them to lowercase!

Ex: this is a lower case.

Capitalized Case: The capitalized case converter will automatically convert the starting letter of every word into an upper case and will leave the remaining letters as lower case ones.

Ex: This Is An Example Of Capitalized Case.

Scentance case: The whole text will be converted into a proper sentence case, transforming to an uppercase every first letter of the sentence and all other letters will be transformed into a lowercase text. If the period is missing at the end, we will add it for you automatically.

Ex: This is a sentence case.

Title Case: This will transform the whole text into a title case. What this means is that it will make every first letter of every word into an uppercase and all the rest into lowercase letters. You can use this tool to write your titles and transform them into your article in a Word document or WordPress editor.

Ex: This Is an Example of Title Case.

Camel Case: CamelCase is a way to separate the words in a phrase by making the first letter of each word capitalized and not using spaces. It is commonly used in web URLs, programming and computer naming conventions. It is named after camels because the capital letters resemble the humps on a camel's back.

Ex: ThisIsACamelCase

Remove Spaces: If you want to remove all the white spaces between the words this is the right tool for you. This will create one single word from your text, with no spaces between the words.

Ex: Thisisasentencewithoutspaces..

aLtErNaTiNg cAsE: Alternating case, also known as "sponge case," "mocking SpongeBob case," or "mocking case," is a text transformation where the case of each letter alternates between uppercase and lowercase.

Ex: the string "Hello World" in alternating case would be "HeLlO wOrLd".

InVeRsE CaSe: Inverse case, often referred to as "InVeRsE CaSe", is a text formatting style where the case of each letter in a string of text is reversed.

Ex: the string "Hello World" in alternating case would be "hELLO wORLD".

Download text: "Download text" typically refers to the act of obtaining or saving a piece of text from the internet or another digital source onto a local device, such as a computer or a smartphone. This text could be in the form of a document, an article, a webpage, an eBook, or any other textual content that is available for downloading.

Ex: the string "Hello World" is downloaded in TXT file would be "Hello World".